What I Do ..

Technical & On-Page SEO: Rank Your Website

"SEO specialist working on a laptop focusing on technical and on-page SEO to build brand presence online, in the context of digital marketing and search engine optimization."

I will enhance your website with comprehensive technical and on-page SEO services. I will analyze competitors, research keywords, optimize content, improve structure, and handle technical SEO tasks to boost search rankings, increase traffic, and enhance user experience.

Social Media Management: Boost Your Brand & Business

"Social media manager, a young woman, intently working on her laptop to enhance online branding and digital marketing strategies."

I will Enhance your brand’s online presence with my social media marketing services. I will research your competitors and target audience to create perfect strategies that set you apart. I will crafts high-quality content, increases brand awareness, and manages scheduled posts for consistency.

Keyword Research & Analysis: Rank your content

"SEO specialist researching keywords on her laptop for digital marketing and brand building online"

I will enhance your website with my Keyword Research Service. I will identify relevant, low-difficulty, and long-tail keywords that match your content and are easy to rank for. My service includes a content plan to boost your SEO and attract the right audience.

Design: Business Proposal, Presentation, Resume

"A girl working on a design project in a creative workspace."

I specialize in creating visually appealing content for your professional needs, such as PowerPoint presentations, business proposals, and resumes. I will work closely with you to exceed your expectations and achieve your business objectives through custom solutions that blend style and functionality.


Technical & On-Page SEO

  • URL Optimization
  • Keywords
  • Title Optimization
  • Meta Title
  • Meta Description
  • Meta Keyword
  • H1, H2, H3
  • Image Alt-Text
  • Image Title
  • Image Description
  • Internal Linking
  • External Linking
  • Anchor Text
  • Sitemap.XML
  • Sitemap.HTML
  • Robots.TXT
  • Canonical Tag
  • Schema Markup
  • Site Audit

Social Media Mangement

  • Account Optimize
  • Account Evaluate
  • Competitor Research
  • Audience Research
  • Strategy & Action Plan
  • Content Plan
  • Keyword Research
  • Hash Tag Research
  • Content Creation
  • Schedule Post
  • Brand Awareness
  • Engagement
  • Bio Link Profile

Keyword Research

  • Site Audit
  • Relevant Keyword
  • Long-Tail Keyword
  • Low Difficulty Keyword
  • Keyword Cluster
  • Content Plan
  • Content Optimization
  • Competitor Research

Design & Others

  • Power Point Presentation
  • Business Proposal Design
  • Resume Writting
  • Bio Profile Link